lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

First reflexions on Tec101

It was truly interesting to conclude TEC101 and the first workshops. Some information is quite dazzling to say the least. If I were to convey all my feelings, this entry might come out way too lengthy. First of all, to learn all the basic components of a PC stirred up some fond memories of my school years, a few decades ago. It is, nevertheless, a crucial part of any course to be able to properly identify the tools you will be using. Besides, the jargon for all this informatic elements, though cryptic to the layman's ear, adds a mystique to the bundle of subjects we are bond to face in the courses to come. It was somewhat quite entertaining to have read the instructions on how to turn on my computer, after having had to turn on my computer in order to read about how to do it. The sections on how to find basic files and basic programs were a delight: now I can find them. Finally, learning how to turn off the computer sent me on a downward spyral of self-contemplation on the fugacity of the self, vaporously seeping through the fingers of the hands that dance on top of the keyboard, ripping the skin outwards and upwards, toward some higher ground where perspective seem to clear the mist and give sense to these hours. I'm now humming "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas.

6 comentarios:

  1. Very interesting gold-member, need I remind you that the complexity of that message may produce a mean and aggravating brain fart, on behalf of the top notch staff I plea yea to the fact that we need to complex the situation and enhance the motivation! And to say the least I was quite impressed that it almost gave me an ephifany.

  2. There is no way on earth that I can improve on this comment nor do I want to or need to.

  3. Alejandro It is very interesting sharing about technology and sharing with all of you .

  4. You always amaze me Alejandro by being such a great wordsmith! Which in todays world is wonderful to see.
    Clearing the cloud of information to finally understand and see clearly what is now in front of you is beautifuly expressed.
    Now, as you did, I am humming "Another brick in the wall" By Pink Floyd

  5. Wow.

    ...and here I was thinking that I pondered the little things in life far too much. You, sir, get the crown for bullshit.

    ...oh, and I laugh because I try to be.

  6. I am still waiting for your next reflection so I can comment on it and get some more brownie points. Lord knows I need all that I can get. Please reflect.
