miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

How about that first test?

It is always a gamble when we have to reflect on a test we took. "How do you feel about your test?" Sheesh, how do I answer that? Should I say I feel great about having taken it? Is a test that makes me feel good about myself even worth taking? I could answer I feel awful about it. But, is a person who feels awful about a test even worth hiring? That is even more patent if that person is supposed to inflict the same procedure on his students. There must be a way around that first presumption of my having a feeling about it to begin with, too. If I were to say I felt nothing about the test, it could be mistaken for a display of disdain, which is far from being actual. The whole course reaches far beyond the mere attainment of grades, and the underlying message being sent to us is way deeper than what we may have felt about the test. And the outlook of having to reflect on every future test, as he who stares at his own navel, will lead us to the inevitable spotting of some lint here and there. So we might as well sing along a happy tune about how happy we are and how we know it, so we clap our hands because we really want to show it, since our evaluation is not based solely on test results: self-promotion is also an important assessment in managerial practices nowadays.

3 comentarios:

  1. When finishing it, and seeing my score, I felt between relieved and unsatisfied. I wanted to see where I have mistaking, because, apparently I have answered all of them right. Anyway, we will see how well we put this knowledge into practice.

  2. Do not forget there are many teachers that are very proud to be able to take the test. Realities are very different between us. I am very glad that I always wanted to know what my kids are doing and learning! That is why I can say now that "at least" the beginning of this training wasn't difficult for me.

  3. Well... what can i say.. mmm i just can say that i`m not happy about having taken that test... but i feel good... after all that`s one more test done... and one less to do...
